tulips, tulip bouquet, bouquet

Alternative To Flowers

Sympathy gifts are usually expressions of condolence to someone who is grieving after the loss of a loved one. You send them something in hopes of comforting them.

There is a long standing tradition among
sympathy gift ideas of sending flowers, cards or food.

You may choose one or all of these options knowing that the flowers will die shortly, the cards will be placed in a box, and the food will be eaten or discarded . So that comfort you provided was short lived.

That’s why I prefer an alternative to the traditional sympathy gift giving.

Thinking Beyond Flowers

When giving a
sympathy gift, I want to give a gift that provides long lasting memories and feelings of comfort forever.

I want them to know that I support them long term with their grief.

I believe there is more to life than what you see, and our lost loved ones are with us all the time in spirit. They often show us with certain signs and symbols that they are watching over us.

They are messengers, providing us with guidance, delivering thoughts to us for direction, to warn or encourage us, even to spark ideas. You might call these messengers or “Angels”!

As a matter of fact, one of my special angels gave me the idea of the Wings Around Me poem.

Pennies From Angels In Heaven

I found this feather next to a penny and suddenly felt like I was being embraced.

I closed my eyes and immediately thought of my mother. She always collected pennies she found, thinking they were signs that her angels were near.

A good friend of mine lost her mother in 2014. Her mother had often told her about the Pennies from Heaven poem.

The message in the poem said when you find a penny don’t pass it by, that it has been tossed down from heaven from an angel in hopes to cheer you up.

So, shortly after her mother’s passing she was finding pennies in all sorts of places.

She was collecting them and keeping them in a bowl so every time she passed by that bowl she would be reminded of her mother.

Hence the idea for the next phase of my sympathy gift giving! The Wings Around Me Keepsake Collection!

Angelic Messages Last Forever!

Wings Around Me Keepsake Frame
Forget-Me-Not Keepsake box

These keepsake collections gifts come in a variety of ways to collect and store your special pennies from heaven or all of your mementos of passed loved ones.

So the next time you are in need of a unique sympathy gift that was inspired by angels and that will help provide remembrance, healing and hope, think about giving them one of these personalized handcrafted gift sets that will help preserve the memories of their lost loved ones.